Anna Rowley “Juhtimisteraapia”
Manfred Kets de Vries “Juhtimise müstika”
Larry Bossidy, Ram Charan “Elluviimine”
Paul Arden “IT’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want to Be
John Kotter “Our Iceberg is Melting”
Ken Blanchard, Mark Miller “The Secret – what Great Leaders Know – and Do”
Ken Blanchard “Leading at a Higher Level”
David Allen “Getting Things Done”
Ethan Rasiel, Paul Friga “The McKinsey Mind”
John P.Kotter “What Leaders Really Do”
Carol Pearson “Awakening the Heroes Within”
Anthony Robbins “Sisemine jõud”
Daniel Goleman “Emotsionaalne intelligentsus”
Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McGee “Loomulik juhtimine”
Thomas Gordon “Tõhus juht”
David Maister “True Professionalism”